Digimon Medley is based on the popular manga and and anime series Digimon, in which ordinary Japanese children find a way into a digital world, where they help good digital monsters fight against evil ones. The game is not directly plot-related to Digimon Adventure or Digimon Tamers: Brave Tamer games. Instead, it follows more closely the actual episodes of the series.
Digital Monsters Card Game Ver. WonderSwan Color is a Strategy game, developed by Tom Create and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2002.
This is the third in Bandai's "hamster simulation" series. In this game, you are the "master" of a hamster. The game flows in real time, but you can interfere and perform various actions. The hamster has its own room in a house, with a table and a wheel. There are many things you can do with the hamster. You can take in to a stroll in the forest, go shopping with it, make it play with a ball, and so on. You can also perform actions unrelated to the hamster, like re-decorating the house or writing and painting on a piece of paper. The game features a point-and-click interface: you move your cursor over an object (such as hamster or calendar), which brings up an action menu.
Blue Wing Blitz is a traditional turn-based tactical role-playing game, although it has the particularity of involving mostly aerial warfare units. These are moved on a grid map, and an encounter with an enemy unit opens a separate, close-up combat screen in which up to two ally units and two enemy units engage in a short dogfight; the player using menu commands to attack, change altitude or take evasive maneuvers.
One Piece: Treasure Wars is an Action game, developed by Graphic Research and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2002.
In the game, the player chooses one of the Straw Hat Pirates and fights other members of the crew in the board game. The main goal is for the player to find the treasure or special item before his opponent does. Each player will run around the board fighting against other pirates. The members of the crew the player did not choose as his or her character will also be running around along with other enemies who the crew has to fight.
One Piece: Treasure Wars 2 - Buggyland he Youkoso is a Miscellaneous game, developed by Graphic Research and published by Bandai, which was released in Japan in 2002.
Gensou Maden Saiyuuki Retribution: Hi no Ataru Basho De is a Role-Playing game, developed by PicPac-Airreal and published by Mubik, which was released in Japan in 2001.
Gunpey offers a unique puzzle experience. As lines of various angles climb up the screen, the player's objective is to flip the lines, located in squares, to connect them over five columns. Connecting lines from left to right remove the connected row. If an incomplete line reaches the top of the screen, the game is over.