"Ogre Battle Gaiden: Prince of Zenobia" is a 2000 real-time tactical role-playing game developed and published by SNK for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. The game is a spin-off within the Ogre Battle series, originally created by Quest Corporation. The storyline takes place parallel to "Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen", and follows the path of Prince Tristan of Zenobia during his quest to reclaim his kingdom. As with other Ogre Battle titles, the player controls squads of an army, moving to different parts of the map accomplishing tasks and battling armies encountered on the route. Choices made during the narrative impact the ending.
Ganbare Neo Poke-Kun (ガンバレねおぽけくん) is a simulation game developed Neo Geo Pocket Color released in Japan on June 6, 2000. So far, the game remains exclusive to Japan. It drew direct inspiration from the majority of video game history.
Memories Off: Pure is a prequel to Memories Off. The events of the game take place three years before those of the previous game, when the protagonist Tomoya Mikami was still attending middle school. The game primarily revolves around his relationships with his childhood friend Yue Imasaka and Ayaka Hizuki, whose tragic fate is mentioned in the first game.
Gameplay-wise, the prequel is identical to the preceding game, with the gameplay being reduced to occasional decision-making that influences the course of the story and ultimately leads it to different endings.
A tie-in game for the Bikkuriman 2000 anime in Japan. The game's Neo Geo Pocket Color version could link to Dreamcast version. This game was released only in Japan.
Metal Slug: 2nd Mission is an Action game, developed by Ukiyotei and published by SNK, which was released in Japan in 2000.
Take control of the Metal Slug tank on the NGPC once again, this time to defeat the rebel strike force "Phantom." Travel through 38 stages in a non-linear battle path defeating enemy troops and rescuing hostages. Pilot the Metal Slug tank, Slug Flyer combat jet, and the Slug Sub submarine and fire the heavy machine gun, rocket launcher, and fire gun. Two unique playable characters, a list of rescued hostages, and a time attack mode add depth to this side-scroller.
Evolution: Eternal Dungeons is a conventional turn-based role-playing video game for the Neo Geo Pocket Color. It was released in Japan and the United Kingdom in 2000. Probably due to the large amount of text, separate cartridges were produced for the different regions it was released in, rather than allowing the player to choose the game language on the same cartridge. While the Japanese version is somewhat common, the English version is not.
This game is essentially a port of its three dimensional counterpart for the Dreamcast. To accommodate downscaling for the Neo Geo handheld, the 3D graphics of the original were replaced with top-down two-dimensional maps and 2-D sprites.
Both the Japanese and UK version of the game were released in hard plastic boxes rather than soft cardstock.
The English translation has frequent grammar and spelling errors.
The game takes place 400 years after Biomotor Unitron. Kikou Seiki Unitron plays similar to Biomotor Unitron with top down dungeons and menu-based combat. The game requires the player to upgrade their unitron robot with various weapons and accessories to compete against various enemies within the dungeon areas. Using a link cable two players can pit their unitrons against each other in a head-to-head battle.