Released in December 1983, this obscure arcade game involves the titular character navigating a maze & collecting treasure whilst defeating animals with his poo.
This game is a spin-off of Sakura Taisen and Columns. This was developed by Sega and was released in 1997 for the ST-V arcade board and the Sega Saturn in Japan. The game follows the Sakura Taisen story line and uses Columns gameplay.
An action puzzle game based on karakuri, ukiyo-e art, and The Fifty-Three Stations of the Tokaido. Controlling a series of ninjas, players must work to advance through a series of floors against a time limit, working together with the replays of their past attempts in order to succeed.
Four players vie for for control fish on an iceberg in this adapataion of the popular hex-based, area enclosure board game "Hey! That's My Fish!" by Mayfair Games.