Welcome to Twisty Planets - a 3D Space & Stars Puzzle Game unlike any other. Help little fella Qub escape from the twisty star planets, find stars to open portal and escape from the stars! Navigate constellations, springboards, moving platforms, teleports and reconfigurable puzzle planets to find the way out of the 3D planets. Watch out for the edges of the planets and don't fall off! Can you find a way off the planets and into the next galaxy, constellation and stars?
CyberSpace Crossword is a freeware three dimensional crossword puzzle.
The player starts at a point in cyberspace some distance above the puzzle and navigates to it using three slider controls that adjust the player viewpoint in each of the three dimensions. Upon nearing the puzzle the game begins and the player is offered the first clues. Cell 1 is preselected for the player to enter a letter. None of the cells are numbered, however when selected a cell changes colour and any associated clues are displayed in a window in the lower right corner of the game area. Answers are entered letter by letter and to do this the player must select each cell individually, enter a letter, then select the next cell, enter the next letter and so on.