For reasons unknown you wake up in a strange place. Another world. A world populated by evil. The brood of hatred! And once again you really have no other other choice than grabbing a nearby shotgun and start blasting your way...home?
3 short, Boom compatible maps built with @Noiser's excellent D4V mod and using @ukiro's wonderful OTEX texture pack. Each map is originally a ~1 hour speedmap that has received tweaks and refinement over the last month since their initial version.
Gorehounds of Doom is an 18 level megawad for doom 2 in mbf21 format started by Thelokk. The theme of the project was simple and unrestrictive, with each mapper creating something under their personal interpretation of horror in a doom wad. The result is a wide variety of maps ranging from atmospheric environmental storytelling to slaughter under a dark/gory aesthetic.
A new episode that replaces the first standard Doom II. The levels gradually introduce the player into a dangerous world of death by showing ways of survival and success in it.
UnBeliever is a three-episode, vanilla Heretic megaWAD where each episode offers a different gameplay experience and are designed to be played in any order. E1 has lots of gimmicky combat scenarios, mostly focused on Heretic's unique gadgets. E2's maps are ultra short and action- packed, built with only 100 linedefs a piece. And E3's trials require quick thinking and quicker reflexes.
Sold Soul is a full-on Heretic episode with 9 levels and challenging gameplay.
The story is that you play as a merchant with some unnatural powers and skills who have been betrayed and seeking revenge.
Intercept, eliminate and extract. It’s time to engage the enemy.Sniper Strike is a high-octane sniper experience that pits you in battle across three gameplay modes and 100's of missions. Scout through immersive environments, engage in rapid-fire combat and build the ultimate super-soldier.
Defend the galaxy from alien spaceships, destroy as many as you can before you are taken down. Achieve your high score and beat it again! What will your high score be?
20 years after the release of the original Death Tormention. I present "The Death Tormention Trilogy". This compilation megawad contains all previously released 3 Death Tormention episodes in one megawad replacing Episode 2, Episode 3 and Episode 4 of the Ultimate Doom with improvements to gameplay and various bug fixes over the original. Also replacing Episode 1 is Simply Phobos.
It looks that the latest volcano eruption was so strong that some hellspawn were ejected in addition to lava... Approximate playtime around 20 minutes. Classic map (no jumping etc.).
Doomed Space Wars is a Star Wars-inspired mapset but with mostly Doom enemies and weapons. There are 9 levels divided into 3x 3 level mini episodes and 3 secret levels. At the end of each 3 level mini episode there is a boss. Every map is huge and takes advantages of Zdoom's special features such as 3D floors and reverb. Also there are tons of secrets and a few top secret Easter eggs. The aim for the level design was realism and a dark atmosphere, with huge height variations and a semi linear overlapping progression.
A Huge Level for Doom2, created back in 1998. Was my first map for Boom and now has been finally released. Was originally intended for the Doom Millennium project which was never released. The level originally didn't have as much detail, but I have given it a big facelift. In this map, you encounter every type of monster present in Doom2 and all weapons are present except for the BFG?, but who knows, it could be there?. The level is large and detailed and contains several unique sections such as a church and a Nazi building with Swastikas on the floors. Obviously the Demons are using the Nazi's for an experiment with silent teleporters. There are a few Arch Viles hanging around so be cautious. The 10 hard to find secrets come handy, many of them unmarked.
FORTRESS 1024 is a gothic like map set inside a fortress. The playing area is mostly built within a 1024x1024 scale and the majority of the level is set outdoors. I've tried my hardest to make the gameplay good and challenging. Plenty of teleporting surprises so watch your back. The exit is located in the middle of the map around a nukage moat, you must raise a bridge to get out of this level.
Gears of Babies : Browser is a fun third person shooter with an action hero baby protagonist.
The story of the game is about a baby who wants to take away his milk and diapers.
In Treasure of Cutlass Reef, the player takes control of a pirate ship as they battle through twelve stages and a seemingly unending armada, to reach Cutlass Reef and claim the buried treasure. There are three difficulty levels in all, each with their own varying degree of difficulty. Each stage contains a certain number of enemy ships (usually about a half a dozen to begin with) with the last ship being a flagship, more powerful than the rest.