Walkure Romanze's story revolves around Mizuno Takahiro, a student studying at an academy with jousting as its main focus for sport. Takahiro acts as an advisor to the riders of the sport. Takahiro goes through each day tediously until the time of the annual competition draws near. Due to some odd circumstances, his childhood friend Kisaki Mio is enrolled into the competition. She has never even ridden a horse before in her life, and Takahiro senses the fear in his friend and becomes Mio's coach.
It’s been several years since the ‘legendary era’ at Ryuumeikan. The powers of student council and the public morals committee have increased to encompass not only clubs, but also over all classes. Now the two committees which had become friendly with each other were led by two aggressive girls, Hakari and Neko. Respecting the traditions imposed by the principal Heizou, they fight each other, dragging Hakari’s follower Sanagi along in the process.
This is the latest in CandySoft’s Tsuyokiss series, as part of its 10th anniversary. It features new heroines Kachiki and Kitsune, along with side stories for the Tsuyokiss NEXT heroines and subcharacters.