The story follows Toono Shinra and his sister Toono Ren, they hold a special power that allows them to transfer a person's pain to them with a simple touch, in exchange they receive the pain for a short burst. Tired of being exploited for this power by their foster parents, they decided to run away and stay with a distant relative.
After the schools for heroes and villains merge, it becomes a battle for young Kiyohary's soul as both sides try to recruit him in this fantasy visual novel.
A remake of Gyakuten Yoshiwara featuring more CGs, voices, and longer scenarios. The remake also features a new character, Itou Keiji, who has a route.
Kazuma moved to Yamabiko-chou due to his younger brother Ayumu’s health and ended up staying at the Yorozuyo inn, owned by his father’s friend. On his first day at school, he got lost and asked for directions from a fellow student, Ui. She led him on an offbeat path and he accidentally fell and kissed her. Coincidentally, this was all seen by Ui’s friend, Ibuki, who thought he was a bad guy and declared him to be an enemy.
Zoku Mikagura Shoujo Tanteidan~Kanketsu Hen~ is an adventure game that lets players enter into the mystic Taisho and early Showa periods and find out the truth behind each case. The number of scenarios has been increased largely and the “inference trigger” feature is kept intact to deliver the most enjoyable detective game experience.
Michitaka is able to see the marks left by others. The paths they’ve followed and the objects they’ve touched are all tinged with colours that are unique to each individual. Even though it is useful at times, it is mostly a troublesome ability.
Before his second year, his father asked him if he wished to live by himself at the old-fashioned Ouka-sou, which was managed by his cousins. Since he had always wanted to live alone, he jumped at the chance. However, when he arrived with great excitement, he was welcomed by the silver-haired Ouka. He did not notice any colours emanating from her.
“I am what you call… a ghost.”
Together with his cousins, childhood friends and various upperclassmen and underclassmen from his school, the most unforgettable days have begun this spring.
Follows a young woman named Tiana who would like to be a beastmaster like her mother. She came across four animals that she bought along with a strange brooch. Unfortunately, they are actually the prices from Fasan Kingdom who are under the spell Players can get to know Matheus, Alfred, Lucia, and Erik, the four brothers, and help them break the spell (You could also end up with her childhood friend)
Includes both the original Moujuutsukai to Ouji-sama and the fan disc Moujuutsukai to Ouji-sama Snow Bride. In the fandisc, you can see side stories and an epilogue for each character
Hayato has yearned for a heart-throbbing romance for a long time, but instead is bored wasting away time every day. He wishes to fall in love like in an eroge, but everyone around him just makes fun of him for it. But that’s what every guy wants, right? Is it really so wrong to want such a relationship?
In the middle of November, a small chance appeared when he was asked to work part-time at the popular bakery restaurant, La Pivoine. Finding himself in a situation he never imagined being in, he thought to break free of his current norm. He agreed to work there and acquainted himself with the staff: Sora, his childhood friend who has no interest in falling in love; Shiho, the store manager whose lover is her job; Moemi, the moodmaker part-timer who treasures her family over all; Arisa, his underclassman who hasn’t found her ideal partner; and, Ayumi, his cousin who is still early for love.