Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series vol. 1: Nijiro no Seishun is a visual novel spin-off game of the original Tokimeki Memorial. Nijiiro no Seishun features Saki Nijino, who cheers the player on as they spend the game trying to make it on the school soccer team's main lineup.
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series vol. 3: Tabidachi no Uta is a visual novel spin-off game of the original Tokimeki Memorial. Tabidachi no Uta features both Shiori Fujisaki and Miharu Tatebayashi sharing a similar story about the player running a marathon just before graduation that branches off into different directions depending on which girl they choose to pursue.
Tokimeki Memorial Drama Series vol. 2: Irodori no Lovesong is a visual novel spin-off game of the original Tokimeki Memorial. Irodori no Love Song focuses on Ayako Katagiri, with the player trying to compose a new song in time to win the school festival's band contest.
Four chapters, each drawing closer to the great worldwide war between Man and Myth. Each allowing you to experience how the war begins! A reading adventure where you make choices to help the protagonist of each chapter survive, but at the same time, the wrong choices offer their own rewards.
Royal Blood is an original maybe scenario. The book has you play as Chloe Russell, the only daughter of Edmund Russell. Following the death of her mother and sudden eviction from her apartment, she is left with nowhere to go but to the man who proclaims to be her father. While there, she discovers that there are three others who Edmund acts as a benefactor to- and they're all interested in her! Will she be able to find love in this torrid time, and ease the feud between two factions?
Tales of Fandom Vol.2 is the second game of the Tales of Fandom sub-series within the Tales series. It is the sequel of Tales of Fandom Vol.1. The game comes in 2 version: Luke and Tear. The game is referred to as a voice adventure. It includes such things as a timing battle, card game, and more.
Tales of Fandom Vol. 1 is a compilation game for the Sony PlayStation. It includes gameplay that features characters and elements from Tales of Phantasia, Tales of Destiny, and Tales of Eternia. The game is set up as an adventure game with actual gameplay elements to explore and unlock extra bits. Some elements in the game include exploring, playing a puzzle game like the Craymel Lab, a scene maker where characters can play out a created scenario, and an extensive gallery. It was released on January 31, 2002 and only sold in Japan.
When a Mage who has powers over water, transported from a different era, comes into our nowadays world, he meets real challenge in form of a water rationing system from a modern city.
The game begins with a pretty short prologue: One day, Masaki and Manami bump into each other. As if was guided by destiny, they got to knew each other because of that tiny accident and fell in love. Although everything did not go as smooth as their encounter, they still managed to maintain their relationship. After graduation they decided start their new life together.