Meiji Tokyo Renka is a Japanese visual novel produced by Mages, with character design and art provided by Karu. The series follows Mei Ayazuki, a high school girl who is sent back in time to the Meiji period and explores her relationships with spirits and Japanese historical figures.
3000 years in the future, after a terrible war has polluted the worlds atmosphere.
A young girl named Eve has lived in an underground shelter for a long time with only a robot AI for companionship.
When one day a guy finds her and her world starts to move again.
The Limited Edition of the 2019 game Steins;Gate Elite comes in a sleeved cardboard box and includes:
- The game Steins;Gate Elite.
- Storyboard Elite: Steins;Gate Elite.
- A cloth poster.
Summoned to another world by the cutest Demon in all the realms, you set off to end the war between Demon and Humankind so you can run away with your demon bride and enjoy a life of wedded bliss!
A man filled with pent-up sexual frustration is suddenly summoned to another world as it's would-be-savior. Dominate the hordes of horny monster girls to add to your mythical harem, and maybe while you're at it save the world?
10 years after the defeat of the Nega-Force the Pure Maidens are back, and sexier than ever! These Magical Girls have grown up to become Magical MILFs! They might not be as slender and tight as they used to be, but their busty mature bodies spilling out of their skimpy uniforms are ripe for the picking.
This edition includes the following Collector's Edition Outerbox, PS4 Game: Re:ZERO - Starting Life in Another World: The Prophecy of the Throne, Full-color Artbook, Steelbook case, Original Pins x 4, Official sound track
The twenty-ninth game produced by Winged Cloud and the twenty-sixth game in the Sakura series. It is a yuri visual novel starring the heroine, Marron. It was released in February 2019.
The thirtieth game produced by Winged Cloud and the twenty-seventh game in the Sakura series. It is a type of galge game with match 3 elements. It was released in February 2019.