Kirameki School Life SP: The Wonder Years is a romance visual novel developed by guyzware and published by Banpresto. It represents a certain game that appears in the original story of the Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai series and was only released in the limited edition of Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Portable.
Having zero special skills, with just average academic performance, not standing out, with no friends… such normal me finally has friends… who are… from different tribes!?
Do you hear that voice that calls out to your heart?
Dual Chroma: Far Shore is a short otome game taking place in the fantasy world of Aradal; a rich land with a storied history you can begin to explore. Choose your pronouns and play as an islander living at the edge of the world, enjoying spending your days on lush beaches with a handsome stranger. Your choices and personality will shape how Kassian, the mysterious traveler, views you.
An otome visual novel - play a powerless victim of a terrifying, unfair world. 200+ choices, 50+ endings, 20+ hours of play - and only one way to escape.
A young upper-class boy discovers he is about to die. Since all his life he bullied everyone around him, in order to have God's forgiveness, he decides to go after the people he has wronged and apologize.
As a trader, Karim trades while moving east, west, south, and north through the desert. One day, a year after he got the legendary "magic lamp" with beautiful dancers.
In this Desert world death threatens all living beings. Main character is a trader who with brothers surfs between different nations selling goods. One day brother gets into an incident during the banquet, and king orders protagonist to retrieve a certain magical lamp within a year to save brother from punishment.
The main character suddenly warped to a battlefield in the ancient Arabian country of Palmyra. Will he be able to survive the war taking place against his will and return to his home one day?
Palmyra is located between two big countries. When Princess Waba is on her way to one of the countries as a delegate, she sneaks out of the delegation. She enjoys freedom for a while, but she is captured by slave traders. What will happen to her...?