Kikokugai (also known as Kikokugai: Reichin Rinrinshan) is a remake of Kikokugai: The Cyber Slayer. It features full voice acting, redrawn art, improved animations, and vertical text boxes.
Yukito has just begun his new job at a mysterious mansion on the outside of town. The pay is too good to be true, and all he has to do is service the needs of the women who live there...
Every day the mistress of the house and her daughters try new fetishes that Yukito must perform. Every day he's called upon to perform incredible sexual acts with the residents of Mamiya Manor. Can he bear the pressure?
The PlayStation 3 version makes use of the graphical system in Hakuoki: Junsouroku. The sprites move when they talk. The new edition also includes new scenarios, chapter summaries, and a couple of girls will come out to explain about the wrong decisions players made when they get a bad end.
Welcome to the City of Lost Hope. You play as Jaron Mathis, a Private Investigator who recently left the Sector 3 Security in Lost Hope. Unravel the mystery that surrounds his past and dictate his future.
Honey Milk disc focus on the three main guys for entry no. 1-3: Ninomiya Yuuto (Entry no.1), Misaki Kotarou (Entry no.2), and Momose Ayumu (Entry no.3)
After the surface of the world broke down, the city of Novus Aether floats in the sky, thanks to the prayers of the Holy Maiden. Years ago, when the Holy Maiden's prayer was interrupted, an incident known as the "Gran Forte" occurred, causing a portion of the land to fall and split the lower city into two, separated by a cliff.
In time, the lowest layer became the dwelling of all kinds of low-lives, people who lost much of their former lives during the "Gran Forte", becoming known as the "Prison". However, a contagious disease which causes people to grow wings has spread throughout the city, and a unit has been formed to deal with these people swiftly.
In this "Prison" resides Caim Astraea, a freelance ex-assassin who does odd jobs for his friends for money, refusing jobs that require him to kill people. During one request, Caim finds a girl who contracts the wing-disease, enveloped in a light that reminds Caim of the “Gran Forte” years ago...
Starry Sky: After Summer is a sequel to Starry Sky: In Summer. It was released on PC with ports to PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita.
The game opens four years after Yahisa Tsukiko’s graduation from Seigatsu Gakuen. The archery club members went drinking together since Azusa’s currently in Japan. They talked about their unforgettable summer, which was the summer of Tsukiko’s third year. It was their last Inter High and they had a two-weeks training camp before then. The captain, Miyaji Ryuunosuke, announced that he already called a special trainer to help them train: Kanakubo Homare, their ex-captain. The bond between them grows stronger during this two weeks.