The story follows a day in the life of a futanari girl with various indecent acts she commits in order to temper her uncontrollable sexual urges. One day in the life of a futanari girl and shows us various indecent acts she commits in order to temper her uncontrollable sexual urges.
Memo is a slice of life story set in an unnamed Japanese city that's neither large nor small. Over the course of a few days, one will experience the life of a male transfer student named Seji who has moved several times a year for most of his life. Compelling experiences spur the youth forward as he reconnects with a childhood town.
The fandisc for Hoshizora no Memoria.
It contains addition story routes as a sequel to complete the Yume and Mare routes of Hoshizora no Memoria, as well as an additional side story for the other heroines of the game.
The HD rerelease of Hoshizora no Memoria includes this fan-disc.
On the first twilight... we shall play an RPG. In this Umineko fanfic, we'll be able to see all the cousins playing a role playing game, with Beatrice as the game master. What kind of a cruel and challenging story will she weave? Will the adventurers manage to pass the seven trials? And finally - will they be able to defeat the final boss and save the day?
I had to transfer to Narushin Gakuen because of my parents' job. On the first day of my new school, I was approached by a fortune teller on the road.
"...You'll die in another month"
Suddenly, my life is over.
Continuing on, the fortune teller says, to avoid that death, it seems that I have to find a "heartfelt loved one"...
Is love or death waiting!? A life-threatening love story begins here!!