Flash game published in 2006 to advertise Sonic the Hedgehog. The game was available on the websites advertising Sonic the Hedgehog until they were taken down.
Hamster Pit and Princess Patty peer anxiously over the ocean.
A loud croak is heard in the air; the frogs are coming!
Accompany Pit and Patty on numerous levels in a concerted effort to deflate the thick frogs. In this adventure you’ll sail across the seas to meet your biggest challenge on a mysterious volcanic island.
Save the kingdom so that the hamster can sleep peacefully.
Select the number of players and level to start the game. Blow up your opponents using bombs before they manage to kill you. Destroy blocks to leave behind power-ups which will give you special abilities when picked up. Each player has three lives so they will need to be killed three times to be eliminated. There is a 3-minute time limit in place. If you win a game, you will score the number of seconds remaining on the timer multiplied by 250, times the number of opponents in the game. Losing a game will result in that amount of points being subtracted from your score.
Bulldozer Bob it's a Digger clone. Players control the Bulldozer that can tunnel through dirt with ease. The goal of each level is to gather up each of the gems, which allows you to progress to the next stage.