Space Invasion is a variant of Space Invaders. It has most of the features of the original arcade game with the player moving left and right while shooting at the invaders.
V-Pong, as the name implies, is pretty much a vertically played, one player game of Pong (or Breakout in screen orientation, but minus destroying any blocks).
The Incredible Coneman is a maze chase game developed by Lars Barstad and Per Ivar Pedersen unique for its 3d graphics, its death sound, and the three-second bass melody that loops infinitely. It was originally featured in issue 32 of the PSX 'Exclusive Demos' series and made using the Net Yaroze development kit.
Wario's Whack Attack was a browser game that was available to play on Mario Party's official website. Along with Mario's Memory Madness and Donkey Konk, it is among the oldest Mario-related promotional games released by Nintendo.
Galaxy Games StarPak 2 is an arcade game released in 1998 by Creative Electronics & Software. It is a multigame conversion kit for Galaxy Games-branded arcade machines, adding additional games. It features unique versions of Pac-Man and Ms. Pac-Man not found elsewhere, which feature two-player cooperative modes. The games are controlled using a trackball.
Rafiki, Timon and Pumbaa from Disney's Lion King are the tutors in this typing game created for children ages 6 and up. The comedic meerkat and warthog team are "going off on an adventure to broaden their horizons", and wise old Rafiki advises them to bring along his keyboard. When they demur, Rafiki enjoins the player to assist them in their travels, and the typing tutorial begins.
The game employs standard practice routines, beginning with proper posture and placement of the fingers on the keys, followed by letter repetitions as each section of the keyboard is mastered. At first the exercises focus on accuracy, later working up to increasing the player's typing speed. Keyboard exercises are interspersed with mini typing games that become available as the player progresses:
Milestones are rewarded with printable certificates, and Rafiki keeps a progress report of the player's WPM (words per minute) and accuracy statistics, as well as showing which keys the player needs to work on. There is a Ctrl + P option at t