The Captain Sabertooth story follows the adventures of Tiny, in his quest to earn a place on the crew of Captain Sabertooth’s ship, the Dark Lady. Tiny desperately wants to become a pirate but finds it increasingly hard to get the pirates to take him seriously. The Captain and his pirates are hard to impress...
Tiny is challenged in everything from deck-scrubbing to treasure hunts, but makes a new friend in Raven, an Indian girl who stowed away on the Captain’s ship, Tiny sets out to win over the crew of the Dark Lady and earn his place on the ship.
Engage in a terrifying quest for survival as you navigate the labyrinthine Sevastopol station. Unprepared and underequipped, you will need all your wits and daring to get out alive.
Danny and Jen looked up to the sky as the sun slowly began to set on the horizon. Their backs were to the grass beneath them, and they enjoyed the silence.
Hello, my name is Pifagor, I present a great mathematicians. Residents of the mathematical world have long been suffering from not understood phenomena and terrible unexplained. We have been waiting for help from a specialist in such matters.
Test your abilities in intricate puzzles that will guide you to mysterious places throughout the world. This game with its charming characters, a gripping storyline and plenty of puzzles will become a real present for both experienced and unsophisticated fans of adventure games and hidden objects search games!
As the sun sets on the last day of summer camp, the teenage counselors of Hackett’s Quarry throw a party to celebrate. No kids. No adults. No rules. Things quickly take a turn for the worse.
Enjoy some extra teen horror flair with The Quarry - Deluxe Edition!
This Edition includes:
- The Quarry Full Game
- Deluxe Bonus Content Pack: ‘80s-themed character outfits, instant access to the Death Rewind system, Gorefest Movie Mode option, and Horror History Visual Filter Pack
Horror Night is an Online Multiplayer Coop Third/First person asymmetric horror adventure game. You have to escape the monster, in a procedurally generated scenario by solving puzzles and finding items, alongside your teammates. Characters can be customized through cosmetics and skins!
"Danger! Danger!" Play as Will Robinson, Dr. Smith and Robot in this 3D, point & click adventure game based on the TV show: Lost in Space. Explore treacherous environments, outwit classic Villains and solve countless puzzles and mysteries to rescue your fellow crew members of the Jupiter 2.
From the development team behind the Grisaia series, Hatsumira -From the Future Undying- is a fantasy visual novel that transports you into a whole new world filled with swords and sorcery!
Navigate across the city while surviving wave after wave of spectacular zombie attacks in this dramatic, high-action zombie apocalypse. As you progress deeper into the apocalypse, join your fellow troops in multiplayer to discover who will reign supreme as the final survivor.
A retro style space sim where you mine, trade, bounty hunt, pillage, and explore. In this game you choose you own path as you navigate the galaxy while balancing faction alligence and legality of your actions.
The Legend of Gandar is an action-adventure video game. The player slips into the legend of Gandar, in the role of the farm boy. He woke up one day and received a strange letter, and so begins the story of a boy.
A fast paced parkour game where you have to get to the pizza at the end of each level using your speed, quick reflexes and abilities. Wall run, jump, climb, use your grappling hook to get the fastest time! Set in a gorgeous neon world. For fans of titles such as Mirror's Edge, Hot Lava and Karlson.
If you're not careful and no-clip out of reality in wrong areas, you'll end up in the Backrooms, where it's nothing but the stink of moist carpet, the madness of mono-yellow, and endless background noise of fluorescent lights at maximum hum-buzz...
An atmospheric third person game about a wizard's final quest. The game tells the story of the victories and failures of a wizard who was once considered the best. Now in the twilight years of his life he’s asked by a stranger for a favor. Take control of the wizard and complete his final mission.
SpellTome is a story driven fantasy adventure 2D platformer. Hurl balls of magic, dash across levels, and jump over obstacles while trying to get the fabled SpellTome.