Stranded on Earth centuries after humanity's departure, A Silent Desolation, created by a single developer, immerses you in the mystery of an abandoned world. Craft, explore, and unravel the secrets of a forgotten Earth as you embark on a quest to repair a space shuttle launch base.
This DLC will expand the universe of the original Visual Novel, Gardens of Earthly Delights. We will follow this story from the point of view of the couple Eros and Venus. We will follow their materialistic and carnal desires as they delight in pleasures in our real world.
I'm a man with amnesia. However, I see in my dreams a paradise filled with carnal pleasures, pornography, and explicit sex. I need to find this place to recover my lost memory. Melody found me unconscious and naked. She saved my life and I love her. However, I must face my destiny!
CyberStory, an immersive cyberbullying intervention game, empowers players with effective coping strategies in a digital world. Navigate challenging scenarios, gain insights, and enhance coping skills through engaging challenges. A safe, supportive environment for building resilience.
Get ready for a crazy drive across Fang island! Gather your friends for this 1-4 player cooperative looting action game. Save people from the zombie apocalypse, craft and expand your base and turn your bus into a real beast! Escape the island and uncover its conspiracies in BUS: Bro U Survived.
Immerse yourself in 'Valince Genesis: VR' as Detective Sinclair. A routine investigation leads you to the opulent Crimson View Hotel. Uncover the truth behind a mysterious disappearance in a storyline full of twists. Explore, decide, and survive using guns and tools. Can you escape?
A robot assassin fuses with a noble mechanic. Take the role of Blister Blight as you confront your fellow rulers of Ridgescar. Repair or destroy? Wreck or Reform? The Blights await their fate!
A fantasy action-adventure game in which you must use a variety of fire-based powers to defeat an army of monsters infesting your realm. Upgrade your abilities, unlock new ones, and fight more and more enemies in this bullet-hell like game.
Journey through the galaxy as a squad of space rangers in this dynamic, co-op action-arcade game for up to 4 players! Explore multiple planets and experience plenty of drama as you take part in this online or local couch co-op epic space adventure.
A year ago, Professor Oliver Wood left to explore an ancient temple. Worried about not hearing from him, you decide to go yourself to find out his whereabouts. In this escape room, you will have to discover what happened to the professor while you investigate the secrets of this mysterious place.
Embark on an educational space odyssey in Mix It!, a captivating Astropilot training adventure. Master the physics of light through dynamic gameplay, stunning visuals, and award-winning sound design. Explore, learn, and conquer the universe in this genre-defying educational experience.
The oil is running out. The expedition is doomed. You will never reach the lighthouse. But something worse than death awaits you if you give up. Operate the engine. Explore the ship. Unveil the truth that lies beyond your reality.
Christmas Carol is crammed full of gorgeous Hidden Object scenes and superb mini-puzzles, wrapped into a great storyline based on the famous Charles Dickens novel.
Oathborne is a top down action roguelite hack and slash. Unlock new skills for your class as you delve deeper into treacherous dungeons with traps, bosses, puzzles, and hordes of enemies. Each dive into darkness contains a monolith which must be destroyed to open pathways in the overworld.
In this action packed RPG you play a scientist that shrunk herself to defeat insects that are eating the roots of her plants. The scientist enlists the help of an ant hive, where she has her base and can also craft weapons.