Kung Fu Panda 2: The Video Game begins where the movie leaves off, as Po and the Furious Five venture out to save Kung Fu from a new evil threat. In an original story, players are plunged into the video game at the climatic end-of-movie battle between Master Shen and Po. Players must help Po, and the furious five journey to save Gongman City, restore balance and save Kung Fu. Players will also get assistance from the councel of respected masters, Shifu, Croc, and Ox to help defeat looting wolves, powerful gorillas and clans of barbaric komodo dragons lead by Xaio Dan. There will be effective defensive combo sequences for players to learn as you defeat your enemies alongside the Furious Five. Use strategy and problem solving to master Kung Fu. Players will get to play through an all new story adventure with epic battles and new barbaric enemies. Engage with physical combat and combos or use strategy and problem solving skills to get through your battles.
A 2D adventure game in which you complete quests, kill bosses, and explore the vast map all while learning new skills and crafting a variety of items. The flash game, developed by likwid, can be found on sites such as Armor Games, Kongregate, and Newgrounds.
As the protagonist hired to guard the princess, you must enter Castle Orochi to save the abducted princess. No one has ever returned after entering this mysterious castle.
Solve the puzzles, overcome traps, and defeat all foes to save the princess and escape! Featuring also a high replay value with multiple endings, will you be able to experience each ending?!
The First Templar follows the story of two main characters – a French Templar, and his companion, a noble lady who has been proclaimed a heretic. Taking control over these two unlikely allies, the player must uncover the mysteries behind the Templar Order, play a role in a grand conspiracy, and discover the secret of the Holy Grail. The heroes face powerful opponents at every turn, including Sacracen, King Philip the IV of France and the Inquisition.
The Captain Sabertooth story follows the adventures of Tiny, in his quest to earn a place on the crew of Captain Sabertooth’s ship, the Dark Lady. Tiny desperately wants to become a pirate but finds it increasingly hard to get the pirates to take him seriously. The Captain and his pirates are hard to impress...
Tiny is challenged in everything from deck-scrubbing to treasure hunts, but makes a new friend in Raven, an Indian girl who stowed away on the Captain’s ship, Tiny sets out to win over the crew of the Dark Lady and earn his place on the ship.
nostAlgic is a traditional Yume Nikki fangame. It is known for its very light color scheme and for having a generally more optimistic take on a Yume Nikki-based exploration game, with A's dreams being rather light and childlike.
Years ago, a witch placed you in this tower and arranged for your upkeep, paying certain villagers well to keep you supplied with the most basic necessities, and no more.
Your years in the tower have changed you. You are more or less a grown woman now, with hair nearly to the floor. Your skills have developed as far as solitude and tedium can take them. You are ready to leave.
Take your time.
You stagger up to its lair. Blue sand drags at your feet.
Your hands don't tremble — well, much — as you ready your new weapon. Your voice doesn't quaver (hardly at all) as you shout out the words you were taught.
One, two! Dive and roll! Jump! Attack!
...That wasn't so hard, was it? You defeated the monster, and it's not even bedtime yet.
A work of interactive fiction by Andrew Plotkin.
Thor: God of Thunder is an action-adventure game developed by Liquid Entertainment and published by Sega in 2011. It serves as a tie-in to the Thor film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Players control Thor as he wields Mjolnir to battle enemies across the Nine Realms, facing iconic foes such as Surtur and Ulik while protecting Asgard from destruction.
The gameplay features melee combat, elemental powers, and environmental puzzles, with some differences across platforms. The console versions (PlayStation 3, Xbox 360) emphasise 3D action, while the Nintendo 3DS and Wii versions include more stylised and simplified gameplay.
The game received mixed to negative reviews for its repetitive mechanics and limited depth.
Become a Secret Sleuth! Embark on a strange and mysterious journey in the newest detective game designed especially for kids! Junior Mystery Quest puts you in the middle of a captivating conspiracy, where the Tibutto family must solve the puzzle of their missing Uncle Alester. With challenges hidden around every corner, children must put their problem-solving skills to the test!
Chelsea Connor, a bold and intelligent American journalist discovers the compelling evidence suggesting that the vault may contain the answers behind the mysterious death of her father 20 years ago. The only information Chelsea has about the vault is that it can only be opened by a single key.
Rabbids are bwaaack and this time they have an infallible plan: travel back in time and invade human history! Plunge into the past with the wacky Rabbids and revisit the greatest moments of history like the discovery of fire, the broken nose of the Sphinx or the legend of Arthur. Uncover how Rabbids wreaked havoc and changed the course of history...
Up to four players can team up and share the power of nakama and fulfill guild requests. Part of the game’s strategy is picking the right team. The difference from the first game is that in this sequel, you can create your own character. The game allows you to choose gender, hair, eyes,facial appearance and much more. It also allows you to buy different clothes for your character. Players can create parties with a large number of Fairy Tail members. Players can equip partner cards in order to build character stats.
Follow Joy as she discovers the real-life source of her nightmares. Search for clues to help spark Joy's memories of a forgotten past. Solve puzzles, play curious mini-games, and collect peculiar items in an eerie quest for answers.