Super Mario World: Mario to Yoshi no Bouken Land, is a 28-minute interactive anime video based on the game Super Mario World published by Bandai in 1991. It is designed for use with Bandai's Terebikko system, which utilizes a telephone-shaped microphone to "interact" with the video. It asks the viewer multiple choice questions, and prompts the user to answer by pressing one of four numbered buttons. Although made for use with the Terebikko system, the video can also be played on an ordinary VHS player.
An interactive movie/game for the Terebikko where Hello Kitty and Mimmy go out shopping, and the player has to answer questions both about the items and etiquette while eating. Mama and Papa appear with them, and other Hello Kitty characters (bear, dog, goat, and plush toys) appear as well.
A daily trivia game in which players must identify a secret movie by a still image from the movie. Players receive six attempts, with each incorrect attempt revealing a new still, or "frame", from the movie.
Math Rabbit is a 1986 video game that serves as a spin-off to the Reader Rabbit edutainment series. It was made by The Learning Company for DOS and Apple II. A Deluxe version was released in 1993 for DOS, Macintosh, and Windows 3.x. Then in 1997, the game was remade for Windows and Macintosh under the title "Reader Rabbit's Math 1". The final remake for Windows and Macintosh in 1998 was titled "Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6", with a personalized version released in 1999.
The Quiz Room is an educational game by the New South Wales government about drug and alcohol use. The game plays as a trivia cube where you are given various multiple choice questions about negative side affects of drugs and alcohol and you have to answer them correctly to fill out each side of the cube. The game ends after each side of the cube is complete, or after you get 3 incorrect answers.