Based on the hit "Attack on Titan" anime and manga, players will defend the three Walls from invading Titans as a member of the elite Scout Regiment with their omni-directional mobility gear and blades. Based on the upcoming Japanese remake of an earlier Attack on Titan game, Humanity in Chains will be the first Attack on Titan game to reach North American shores, and will release exclusively on the Nintendo eShop for Nintendo 3DS in May 2015 with the original Japanese audio and English subtitles.
"Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends" introduces entirely new levels of fun to the refreshing gameplay vanquishing swarms of enemies with mighty warriors found in "Dynasty Warriors 8." In story mode, where you can immerse yourself in the vivid tales of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is now possible to play as the mighty warrior "Lu Bu," and embark on a journey that depicts his way of life. Additionally, many new hypothetical scenarios to existing Romance of the Three Kingdoms battles have been added, as well as new playable characters, weapons types, growth/speedrun elements, and more! What's more, a revamped Ambition Mode and completely new Challenge Mode offer whole new ways to enjoy the "Dynasty Warriors 8" universe.
Dynasty Warriors 8: Xtreme Legends introduces entirely new levels of fun to the refreshing gameplay vanquishing swarms of enemies with mighty warriors found in "Dynasty Warriors 8."
In story mode, where you can immerse yourself in the vivid tales of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, it is now possible to play as the mighty warrior "Lu Bu," and embark on a journey that depicts his way of life. Additionally, many new hypothetical scenarios to existing Romance of the Three Kingdoms battles have been added, as well as new playable characters, weapons types, growth/speedrun elements, and more! What's more, a revamped Ambition Mode and completely new Challenge Mode offer whole new ways to enjoy the Dynasty Warriors 8 universe.
The first of the Genroku Legends additional scenarios for Muramasa Rebirth. This add-on follows the story of Okoi, who is possessed by Miike, a nekomata. Okoi avenges the death of her brother using her cat-like claws and demon powers to summon hordes of cat allies to battle alongside her.
Sisters band together, girls get into bikinis and pick up their swords to fight enemies. Slaying monsters become more thrilling in Onechanbara Z. The battles are bloodier and the girls are sexier. The newest game will get a Z rating, so be ready for some over the top action and fanservice sequences.
A new pair of sisters enter the fray. Kagura and Saya are half vampire and half imichi. Kagura was taken in by the vampires and is both hated and feared by the clan. She is sent on a dangerous mission where she meets her long lost sister. Together the two combo ghouls until they are showered in blood and guts. Fight the strongest in the world and find out the secrets behind everyone's schemes.
The PlayStation 3 version adds new playable character NoNoNo to the fray.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a 2013 video game published by Activision and developed by Magic Pockets, based on the 2012 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TV series. It was the first video game to be based on the Nickelodeon show, featuring several villains from the show's first season. The digital versions of the game, alongside other Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games published by Activision, were pulled from all digital storefronts in January 2017 as they chose not to renew the license.
The Nintendo 3DS version was later bundled on a single cartridge with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze and was released as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Master Splinter's Training Pack on November 3, 2015, by Abstraction Games.
War of the Vikings is a historically inspired, hardcore melee combat game where where skill beats strength. Fight for either the Vikings or the Saxons and choose everything from armour style, heraldry, shield paintings, beards, armour, weaponry and perks.
Developed by SWAPPZ, an iOS/Android game company featuring figure-based games. In Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles: Mutant Rumble, scan special TMNT figurines and coins to attain characters and train them to be the best ninja they can be!
SWAPPZ is an iOS/Android game company featuring figure-based games; one of which being Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Mutant Rumble. The game itself is free and will be playable without the figures but playability will be limited.
Get ready for some seriously stylish action from renowned designer SUDA51. In this exclusive version for PC, players will be slicing, dicing, and shooting as the suave executioner Mondo Zappa. Prepare for the thrill of love and kill in KILLER IS DEAD!
On July 18, 2013, a massive update was released in the Japanese version of Dynasty Warriors Online, changing the name of 真・三國無双 Online to 真・三國無双 Online Z.
This update adds the new feature of "Weapon Swapping" similar to Dynasty Warriors 7. Characters and soldiers have been remodeled with their Dynasty Warriors 7 appearances. The intro of the game has been changed, featuring the same three characters from the first in a revised state.