The story begins in the Kingdom of Adestria. Hundreds of years ago, Humans competed for survival with magically gifted beings known as 'Fae'. Over time, a breed of 'Half-Bloods' emerged, descended from parents of each race. The Half-Bloods chose to ally themselves with the weaker Humans, and the Fae were destroyed. The Half-Bloods then turned on the humans, using the powers of their Fae blood to subjugate and enslave their magically-inert cousins.
A little over a hundred years have passed since the subjugation. Our main characters are two Half-Bloods: Lord Cassius Malberry and his sister, Fordra. Hoping to find the cure for a horrible disease, they hunt for an ancient Fae tome...
As an exiled Norse jarl, build a viking settlement on the edge of known world and let it thrive! Gather resources, develop your selttlement, and gather even more resources.
Millions of players worldwide have flown, built, and fought their way through Captain Forever. CF Trilogy brings Captains Forever, Successor, and Impostor to Steam with a beautiful new renderer, new modules, and a reimagined world written by acclaimed novelist Cassandra Khaw.
Sail a sea of words to trade goods, battle pirates, build a fortune, and find the treasure!
In WindWord, you use words instead of wind to sail your ship from one port to the next. You can buy and sell goods at each port to earn money. If you find good (long) words you can sail fast enough to avoid pirates. But if not, you can always battle the pirates to take their gold. Visit all of the ports to upgrade your ship, buy more cannons, and get pieces of an ancient treasure map to win the game.
WindWord is endlessly replayable as each game features a randomly-generated map of the seas with islands, ports and words. Each game is a new adventure. See how fast you can build up your rank, earn money and find the treasure. Advance from "Swabbie" to "Commodore!"
Be sure to read through the bullet-list how-to guide for all sorts of helpful tips and hidden game features!
CLUE/CLUEDO is the classic mystery game - a grand mansion … a dastardly murder … a gathering of suspicious characters. Now you can play the beloved Hasbro family board game on Steam!
WHO, with WHAT weapon and WHERE?
Join Scarlett, Mustard, Peacock, Green, Orchid and Plum on a night of murder and mystery in Tudor Mansion. Roll the dice to move around the mansion and ask questions:
“I suggest it was Miss Scarlett, with the Rope, in the Study!”
- Single-player against customizable AI.
- Online multiplayer for up to 6 players.
- Private games against friends.
- Cross-platform multiplayer - play against other sleuths on Steam, iOS or Android.
- Compete against the world with weekly leaderboards.
- Innovative logic-assisted virtual Clue Sheet that allows for advanced note-taking.
- All new themes available for purchase that transform the board and characters. - - - - Take a trip to tinseltown with the Hollywood theme, or step on board the Murder Express!
- More themes to come in regular updates!
"HEXIA" is a real-time multiplayer battle game that combines strategy and action. It is a new sport set in the near future where players control special figures and fight in a virtual space. You can enjoy various modes such as online PvP rating matches, custom matches where you can freely set the number of players and the field, and gear challenges where you can practice and strengthen your characters.
Do you have what it takes to become President of the United States? Can you win the Two Seventy (270) Electoral Votes needed for victory in the US Election?
First Person Shooter Through a variety of Mazes and challenges. Each level has different weapons and AI to make each entertaining and increasingly more difficult.
Try your luck and Beat your Time to get past each challenge all the levels have in store for you.
Unmask The Rat is a discussion based heist game for IOS. The game puts players in the shoes of one of many different members of a crime family. Players must go on missions to steal enough money to retire from this life of crime. The only thing standing in your way is the traitor in your group. If the rat's able to stall the organizations income enough they will be able to figure out who's in charge and take down the crime family.
This Limited Edition contains:
- Total War Saga: Thrones of Britannia
- Limited Edition steelbook
- Double-sided poster
- Five Collector's Cards about important faction leaders with biography
A simple, cute retro version of classic Chess made in Pico-8. Full implementation of the Chess rules with a juicy interface and some basic AI to play against.
Tiger Knight is an exciting action strategy PVP game which reenacts large-scale warfare set circa 200 BC. Featuring meticulously recreated battle equipment and weaponry, Tiger Knight: Empire War will transport you back to the brutal era of melee combat.
We find a MOBA of 5 against 5 based on the heroes of the Marvel universe. We can choose a large number of superheroes, antiheroes and villains, such as Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, Doctor Strange, Hulk, etc.
The game has its own story in which two universes collide with each other causing a fusion between two similar lands. This is where SHIELD sends the most powerful heroes to fight their doubles from the opposite universe.
Showdown in the post-apocalyptic frontier!
As a team, defend a post-apocalyptic wild west from an invasion of transforming rock monsters alongside your Mii™ character, Dillon the armadillo, and his squirrel engineer, Russ. Recruit hired gunners to back you up in battle, and then roll into fights and high-speed chases and take down waves of enemies as Dillon—the "Red Flash" himself!
Eighty years ago, a cataclysmic event devastated the world. Holed up in "The City" and outlying frontier towns, no survivor is safe now that a mysterious ship has unleashed an army of supercharged monsters. So, prepare for battle: gather resources by helping local businesses and winning races. Then stock up, man the towers, and strengthen barricades to protect each village's livestock! Discover new strategies to take out over 30 different types of enemies: some swim, some dig, some are electrified, poisonous, armored—even flying. Monsters transform into wheeled forms, racing into action-packed, high-speed chases!
Unique Strategy RPG + Puzzle Shooter! STRATEGIZE... AIM... FIRE! Shoot and match orbs to attack or defend your realm, in this fast-paced twist on Puzzle RPGs. Assemble your ultimate team from dozens of unique heroes, each with tactical spells that turn the tide of battles! Test your skills and strategy as you battle past powerful bosses en route to the Dragon Kirin’s foreboding sanctuary....
On the United Island of Magic, there is an Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Students with magic powers, regardless of their ethnicity and background, can apply to this university. The acceptance rate is lower than Harvard. Once in, they will have the access to learn from the masters of Magic and train with other equally outstanding and magical peers.
The life on the island was fun and rewarding, until one day, a new principal took power and want to purify the magic world and to prevent exterratial blood using the power of magic.
Students now feel the urgency of gaining more skills and training harder to win the principal eventually at the annual Clash of Magic tournament and the winner will replace the current principal and lead the Magic world to a more thriving and peaceful land.