A collection of the original Super Robot Wars series consisting of Super Robot Wars 2, 3, and EX, remade for the original PlayStation. The game's graphics are enhanced and the systems and mechanics within are updated to match those of Super Robot Wars F and F Final. An included second disc is an encyclopedia, containing a collection of cut scenes and voice data from the first game along with a two player versus mode.
Future War: Reborn is the latest 3D TPS game about a post-apocalyptic war.
You will control the full-fledged Genome Fighter to strafe enemies and sweep through battlefields with cutting-edge weapons, to defend human beings from hordes of dead walkers.
Overlord is a space-based strategy game designed by David Perry & Nick Bruty. The goal of the game was to compete with an alien opponent to colonize a solar system.
Enter the dungeon, get lost and roll the dice against the monsters!
Play your chances against dangerous monsters like ghosts, werewolves or even the frankenstein monster himself!
In a magical parallel world, a decent alternative to wars and duels was invented: combat checkers. Each player tries to knock the opponent's pieces off the board. Combine various kinds of pieces, try different tactics and develop your own style of fight!
Lone Wolf is a game to become a captain of the space warship “Lone Wolf" where in a space battle opera. You will fall into the charm of a gun that emits a powerful firepower toward the enemies, and you will be attracted by the various charms of the space warship “Lone Wolf”.
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅸ with Power Up Kit" is an expanded version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅸ," which was released in 2003 as the 9th game in the series.
RTK Ⅸ is a strategy based simulation game based in China's chaotic Three Kingdoms period. Players portray a Daimyo and lead their clan in an attempt to unify the entire land of Japan. For the first time in the series, the game uses a single large map and brings together battle and strategy in an entirely new way. Players give their officers "Strategies" and those officers work to carry them out in real-time. Players can also set up facilities and obstacles on the battlefield to aid them. Officers can learn tactics and employ them in a strategic battle like none before.
Defense Clicker is an clicker game with an tower defense theme and a few twists which make it very unique.
You have to build an defense line with towers and upgrade them to stay alive as long as possible. when you die the map resets but you get a few special points depending on how long you survived. With this points you can upgrade the power of your towers and many other things to stay longer alive.
The Royal Game of Ur is an ancient racing game where players try to get all of their tokens across the board first. 3000 years ago this was one of the most popular board games in the world. Play it yourself to find out why!
Units, heroes and battles inspired in real events.
Deep narrative linked to the historical evolution of the conflict.
Two different campaigns with their own heroes, troops, settlements and armies.
Play solo or with a friend in a local 1v1 mode.
Guilt free destruction of beautiful cities around the world! With an unique armory of insane explosive projectiles to choose from, destruction has never been so fun!
War Dragons is an action strategy mobile game set within a fantasy world filled with warring factions and their dragon armies. The ultimate goal for players is to amass the most powerful dragon army possible and use it to dominate opponents.
Peninsular War Battles places you at the forefront of Napoleon’s campaign to conquer Portugal and Spain. Play is possible as the British, French or Spanish across 5 campaigns with a total of 40 missions.
Gettysburg: The Tide Turns is a hex-based wargame set in one of the most decisive and iconic battles of the Civil War. 150 years ago, brave soldiers fought across this idyllic battlefield, and, now, we put you in their shoes.