In the 'Abandoned Town' series, a man-made environmental disaster has transformed a once quaint town into a ghost town. In the 'Farmhouse' episode you explore an abandoned farmhouse where the contents still remain but the people are long gone. Discover family belongings in the hidden objects game.
In the 'Terror Forest' series, a catastrophic nuclear event has caused a mass exodus from the surrounding area. In the 'Hell House' episode you come upon an abandoned house that's been reclaimed for use by an evil being to conduct torture and grotesque human experiments.
These luxury family condos found in the Parkland District feature comfortable interiors with modern features while still having room for family. Feel like relaxing, the birds and city chatter ambiance with or without the background classical music playlist.
Visit this Retro series' Café after hours for a nice quiet ambiance. You can explore around the café to find the secret items, or look out the windows and relax as snow falls outside. There's a nice default playlist, or hit F6 and select another playlist of your choice.
In the 'Downtown' series you'll find different locations in the downtown area of a modern city. In the 'Marina Apartments' episode you can visit a beautiful modern apartment on the marina and listen to soothing city sounds while classical music plays on the jukebox.
Welcome to Christmas in Victoria, a Dreamscapes episode depicting stylized Victoria in the early 1900s during Christmas. Visit the streets of Victoria replete with snow and enjoy the Hidden Objects game of finding Christmas trees and presents throughout the streets.
In the 'Desolate Space' series, humans have left behind space facilities and locations that are no longer habitable. In the 'Contaminated Vessel' episode you make your way through an abandoned spacecraft that has been contaminated with an unknown organism.
In Zanfium Tower - Lounge, you'll find a comfortable modern environment with a kitchen and lounge with the normal Ambient Channels modes, plus additional media abilities, such as watching videos on one of the TVs and multiplayer w/voice chat. You can play Tower Lounge for free in Ambient Channels
With the Dreamscapes: Fantasy Camp episode DLC you can enjoy the feel of a classic RPG in both the Ambiance and Game modes. Travel passively through the scene via the rail camera in Ambiance Mode or search the camp for various magic and campsite items with the Hidden Objects game.
In the 'Lost Metro' series, humanity has fled the city due to a zombie infestation. In the 'City Subway' episode, you'll find an abandoned metro subway with zombies trapped in subway cars and stumbling around.
In the Dreamscapes: Graveyard episode you'll fly through an immersive environment with graves, crypts and mausoleums spread throughout a landscape full of trees, pathways and crows. Go jack-o-lantern hunting in the Hidden Objects game. Find them all and earn the Pumpkin Hunt achievement!
In the 'Phreakers' series, we provide a fantasy juxtaposition of 90's rave culture, industrial music and telco hacking. In Black Room, you'll find a hacker's room, currently shutdown in security mode.
One of the most revolutionary and effective combat aircraft of WWII, the British de Havilland Mosquito was in service with the Royal Air Force (RAF) from 1940 to 1961.
Get into the spirit of Christmas with this festive holiday VR experience. Play wintery carnival activities- Holi-Darts, Ski-Ball, Reindeer Basketball and the Blizzard Blaster Gallery!
A first person exploration of a cancer cell deep in the human body, featuring a highly detailed simulation of cellular anatomy and processes based on the latest scientific research!
Discover the latest innovations in the most realistic railway construction game ever developed: EEP 16 Expert. This new version includes many additional features, both technical and functional
Escape the room using your chemistry knowledge! Explore the clues lying around. Clear up the poisonous gas blocking your exit. Turn a toxic combustion reaction into a regular combustion reaction. Heat up different liquids to obtain the needed molecules.
Learn about Oxygen and Hydrogen in two lab experiments. See gas molecules with your naked eye and use the properties of gases to light a candle. Combine most active metals with an acid to produce enough hydrogen to launch a rocket. Answer in-game questions to capture the learning.