The worlds of Ultima await you in this special collection of 10 games designed by Richard Garriott, also known as Lord British, the creator of the Ultimate series.
The Ultima Collection Includes:
Utima I: The First Age of Darkness
Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress
Utima III: Exodus
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar
Utima V: Warriors of Destiny
Ultima VI: The False Prophet
Ultima VII: The Black Gate
Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima VIII: Pagan
* Bonus Software: Akalabeth.
The first game Richard Garriott ever designed.
Akalabeth became the catalyst that spawned 17 years of Ultima fantasy Role-Playing tradition.
* Ultima Atlas
This 16 page atlas is a complete compilation of the navigational maps originally packaged with each Ultima game.
* Exclusive Interviews.
These revealing never-before-seen interviews with Lord British, Richard Garriott's alter ego, offer a perspective on the Ultima series and a first look into the next game, Ultima: Ascension.
Medarot Parts Collection is an add-on game for Medarot 1 released for the Game Boy in 1998. It's a side game where the player Robottles their way through a tower and collects parts, which can then be traded to the main game.
Princess Quest is a Japanese video game published in 1998 for the Sega Saturn system. It was subsequently ported to PC under the title Princess Quest R.
A remake of the first three games in the Wizardry series (Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, The Knight of Diamonds, and Legacy of Llylgamyn) with options for updated graphics or the original wireframe visuals, and the ability to transfer characters between them.
The story of Tun Town takes place in the small town of the same name. The student LeLe returns to Tun Town during the summer holidays. He discovers that there is a war going on between dogs and cats. Under leadership of the Cat King, the cats have defeated the dogs. LeLe and his friends unite the dogs and beat Cat King to bring back peace to the town. But the gangs in the big cities also want control over the town. Lele, his dog friends, Cat King and the cats form an alliance to fight and defend their hometown.
Tun Town is a Chinese-made role-playing game. The gameplay system is similar to that of Japanese-style RPGs, with party management, simple turn-based battles, and automatic leveling up. It is possible to collect parts to build different kinds of weapons in the game. The visuals are cartoon-like, and the plot has humorous elements.
Xenogears follows protagonist Fei Fong Wong and several others as they journey to uncover the truth behind mysterious, cabalistic entities operating in their world. The principles and philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung influence the plot, character design, and world of Xenogears. Additionally, the symbols, theological concepts, and devotional practices of several world religions are represented in fictionalized forms in the game. Major psychological themes are the nature of identity and human memory, particularly as these relate to the phenomenon of dissociative identity disorder. The relationship between humanity and machines is central to the game's plot, as indicated by the presence of giant robots dubbed "gears," which almost each playable character can control.
Relive the series that revolutionized RPG gaming! Explore the vast Algo Solar System and do battle with an arsenal of weapons, magical spells, and armor. Defeat the evil King Lassic to restore peace to the galaxy! Uncover the shocking secrets of the Motavian society! Live through three generations to conquer monstrous mutations!
Blaze & Blade: Eternal Quest, also known as simply Blaze & Blade, is a multiplayer action role-playing game developed by T&E Soft for the PlayStation and Microsoft Windows. It is the first in the series (the other being Blaze & Blade Busters, which uses the same engine), and the only one released outside Japan.
Enter the world of Panzer Dragoon Saga and experience a game like no other: a fusion of classic Panzer action with the most technologically advanced RPG to come to Saturn. Board your morphing dragon and behold as the mysteries of the Panzer world unfurl across four massive CDs. The new "rail free" 3D engine lets you soar deeper into role-playing adventure than you ever before imagined. Your destiny awaits.
Mordor is a MUD based on the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, especially The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. While playing the game, you can explore over 75 unique areas including: Isengard, Edoras, Midgewater, Fangorn, Shelob's Lair, Lothlorien, Rivendell, Lonely Mountain, Helms Deep, Minas Morgul, and many more. New areas are added regularly.
Mordor's unique multi-class system, along with its remort classes, allows you to completely customize your character. Role-play as good or evil and engage in player vs. player combat by joining an alliance, such as the Eye of Sauron, the Hand of Saruman, the Haradrims, the Last Alliance, the Northern Rangers, and the White Council. Solo and mercenary classes are also available, along with an alliance dedicated to helping out new players -- the Guardians of Mordor.
All alliances are ever evolving through the expansion of their halls and the addition of new alliance-specific equipment. We have a full time Quest Master and often offer Immortal quests.
The Abandoned Realms MUD is a fully-featured multiplayer experience with roleplaying and playerkilling. As you play the game, you will make both great friends, and vicious enemies - all real people who are playing alongside you!
Fantasy role playing game consisting of maps, enemy characters, items, and all 3D rendering. Characters are represented by real time polygons, full speech conversation scenes and interactive movies are also used.
Sindome is a cyberpunk MOO (a text-based online virtual reality system to which multiple users are connected at the same time). Roleplaying in Sindome is unique in that most of its coding is custom, employing XML, File-IO, custom web based websocket powered game client (optional), and a graphical web interface. Sindome has been online since 1997.
The Sindome world is based on the cyberpunk genre of science fiction. Sindome draws its inspiration from books, movies, and traditional role-playing games like: William Gibson's Neuromancer, Count Zero, Virtual Light, Idoru, "Burning Chrome"; Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash; Bruce Sterling's Mirrorshades, Richard K Morgan's Altered Carbon and Islands in the Net; R. Talsorian Games' Cyberpunk 2020; the movies Blade Runner, Judge Dredd, and The Matrix series.
Demonworld is the first computer game based on the tabletop game by German based developer Hobby Products. In the game, the player may either play single scenarios or join a campaign either for the human or the demonic side.