In a distant land, concealed within the mystical forests of the north, there exists a magical place known as the Mushroom Grove. In this enchanted realm, dwell the adorable Flippets, small green beings who serve as the guardians of the forest's secrets. One day, the Flippets decided to create an intriguing game to test their skills against each other. This game involved a special formation where all the Flippets stood aligned, except for one who turned away from the others. This small challenge became a fun tradition among the Flippets, known as "Find Me." The player takes on the role of a fearless Flippet explorer, embarking on an exciting journey to locate the Flippet who chose to turn their back to the group. Do you have the dexterity and keen insight required to find the intrepid Flippet? The Mushroom Grove awaits you, filled with mysteries and unparalleled fun.