The sequel to Intellivision Lives!, this compilation includes over 30 more emulated Intellivision games, primarily those originally published by Activision and Imagic. It also has the complete library of Intellivoice games (minus Tron Solar Sailer, due to licensing restrictions) and a complete library of Entertainment Computer System (ECS) games (again, minus a few licensed titles), and some unreleased games. The complete list of games follows: Atlantis B-17 Bomber (Intellivoice) Beamrider Beauty and the Beast Bomb Squad (Intellivoice) Deep Pockets Demon Attack Dracula Dragonfire Fathom Game Factory (ECS; previously unreleased) Happy Trails Ice Trek League of Light (previously unreleased) Magic Carousel (Intellivoice; previously unreleased) Melody Blaster (ECS) Microsurgeon Mind Strike (ECS) Minotaur (debugged version) Mr. BASIC Meets Bits N' Bytes (ECS) Nova Blast Number Jumble (ECS) Pitfall River Raid Robot Rubble (previously unreleased) Safecracker Space Spartans (Intellivoice) Stampede Swords & Serpents The Dreadnaught Factor Thin Ice (release version) Tropical Trouble Truckin' White Water! World Series Baseball (ECS; Intellivoice) Worm Whomper Each of these games is played via a very accurate emulator. In fact, there are three emulators included on the disc: DOS, Windows, and Macintosh. But there's more to the package than just emulated games. Each game is complete with a box scan, overlay scan (if applicable), instructions, and credits. There's also a museum of Intellivision oddities, including the complete video of several Intellivision commercials.