Plan Z is a true-to-life post-apocalyptic zombie survival game that includes an imminent nuclear meltdown, which shapes your every decision in the game to survive. Players will follow Gary Gannon from his home city of Green Bay, WI on his journey across a zombie-infested country to reach the west coast, where his father resides. As in a real-life situation with un-manned nuclear plants, Gary knows he only has so many days to reach his father with his young daughter in tow, which many post-apocalyptic zombie games never address. Along the way, he must make harrowing decisions to evade zombies, trust other survivors, and redeem himself in the eyes of his daughter, whom he neglected her entire life. As a player, you can see Gary’s viewpoint from a multitude of decisions and maybe learn some survival skills. Will you survive in this new world? What’s your plan?