Tim 7: Et L'envoye Special

Tim 7: Et L'envoye Special (1997)

Tim 7: Et L'envoye Special is an edutainment game focusing on 6e level of French. The contents of the subject are: Story structure: Linking words, Use of the past simple and the imperfect, Use of relative and possessive pronouns. Oral expression: The interrogative sentence, Circumstantial complements, Language registers. Construction of a presentation: text comprehension, image playback, values ​​of the present, active/passive voice. Written expression: expression of order, advice and wish, lexical fields of will and feelings, the expression of the condition, punctuation. You play as Tim 7, named as such due to being kidnapped by Dr. Gaaf and being the 7th guinea pig of his experiments. Tim 7 has lost his memories and you need to help him escape the island.

  • Release Date: December 31, 1997
  • Developer: Ubi Soft Entertainment
