32in24-14: How the Hamburglar Stole Christmas

32in24-14: How the Hamburglar Stole Christmas (2015)

32in24-14: How the Hamburglar Stole Christmas is the fourteenth edition of the 32in24 series of PWADs, where a 24-hour mapping session is held with the aim of creating a full megawad of usually multiplayer maps - however this time, the maps were designed for single player, making it the first single player 32in24 since Diet, and the first attempt at a full single player megawad since the failed second session. Wary of the increased challenges of creating a single player map over a deathmatch one, mappers were allowed to reuse architecture from previous 32in24 maps to assist them in creating theirs. Continuing the food and holiday themes introduced by the thirteenth edition, this session was held on 21 December, 2014, and so the maps generally carried a Christmas theme, complete with map titles that mostly referenced either Christmas or food. The subtitle of the session itself refers to a Christmas story by Dr. Seuss As with the previous few sessions, a week was allowed after the session for minor polishing of the maps based on feedback.

  • Release Date: January 18, 2015