Misa no Mahou Monogatari - Heartful Memories tells the story of a creature that got the mission from the queen of a magic world called Firimu, of travel to the human world and find a young girl to train her and make her become a tarot magician and that way she will be the champion that will defeat the evil powers that wants to conquer the human and the magical worlds. The game's story takes place in that high school and lasts for four years of training (in a Japanese high school from third grade to sixth), the main character of the game is Misa and during that time period she will have to train her abilities, meet different people and classmates, and face enemies in the human world. The gameplay is a mix between an adventure game and a simulation game, the player character will got better or worse stats depending of the training done each week, and her relations with other characters will also be different depending of the choices in the conversations.