Somewhere out in the suburbs, an cubicle full of nonsense sits unnoticed, unmolested. Rich has taken the day off. At a different office, somewhere else, Peter Kent is embroiled in an over-caffeinated, lightning-paced, perfectly normal day at work. It's good then, that Rich has arranged for "the house." A relaxing, semi-permanent party headquarters to be used all summer by the two of them, their boozy crew of half-wit friends, and anyone who follows the trail of noise to their doorstep. Unfortunately, a bit of confusion has left the boys with all house and no supplies. So is it possible to have a good time, the kind of good time to which Rich and Peter are accustomed, without any preparation at all? The answer, as it turns out, is no. We'll still need beer. Definitely. Right? And some other stuff. And so with no money, no patience, and a lunch hour long since spent, can Peter secure the supplies necessary to fend off the fearsome hurricane of boredom which threatens this warm, warm weekend?