Dudes with Attitude

Dudes with Attitude

A game where you play as face-like characters on a quest to find treasure.


The face-like characters are on a quest to find treasure. They collect treasure by hitting it with the faces, but you can only collect treasure that's the same color as the face you're playing. There are paint jars to change you're color. There are also mystery paint jars that randomly change you're color. There is water as well, that you can only cross when you hit a sailboat on shore. If you hit another boat you lose this affect. Invisible walls can also be found on some levels. 


  • Happy: A constantly bouncing smiley face. 
  • Dude: The sunglasses-wearing dude. 
  • Foxy: Perhaps the only adult themed character resembling a prostitute. 
  • Babe: One of to female faces  
  • Patch: The biggest red smiley face on the box. Also the main character
  • Bozo: The clown of the game


Insert your name as ADAML. Then, insert the passwords below to reach the stage desired.

Stage 01 - 33L2DB

  • Stage 02 - DJXCP5
  • Stage 03 - 26P3C-
  • Stage 04 - VZGY8L
  • Stage 05 - X5N4LJ
  • Stage 06 - RM0JQ4
  • Stage 07 - LQ7-X7
  • Stage 08 - 95N46N
  • Stage 09 - VVBTDB
  • Stage 10 - NS5MP5
  • Stage 11 - TYFVC-
  • Stage 12 - 37Q68L
  • Stage 13 - 4CWDT0
  • Stage 14 - 0W8SQ4
  • Stage 15 - 37Q-XZ
  • Stage 16 - JDXC6N
  • Stage 17 - LL3KDB
  • Stage 18 - X1DWP5
  • Stage 19 - KP6LC-
  • Stage 20 - BGZF8L
  • Stage 21 - DN5MLJ
  • Stage 22 - 84H1Q4
  • Stage 23 - 37QTX7
  • Stage 24 - SN5M6N
  • Stage 25 - BBV-DB
  • Stage 26 - 59N4P5
  • Stage 27 - -FYBC-
  • Stage 28 - LQ7P8L
  • Stage 29 - MWCXT0
  • Stage 30 - HCR9Q4
  • Stage 31 - LQ7TXZ
  • Stage 32 - 1XDW6N