Konami GT, originally known as Konami RF2 - Red Fighter, is a 1985 racing video game developed and released by Konami, using their GX400 arcade architecture. The player drives a sports car which must reach various checkpoints without running out of fuel. A turbo mode (activated by the gear shift) increases the car's speed but uses more fuel and puts the player at a higher risk of hitting an obstacle. Fuel power-ups can be found on the road which the player must pick up to make it to the final checkpoint. The original title RF2 is a reference to Konami's 1984 arcade game Road Fighter, and thus this may be considered an unofficial sequel. RF2 was a commercial success in Japanese arcades. The series was followed in 1996 by official sequel Midnight Run - Road Fighter 2. Konami GT was made available on Microsoft's Game Room service for its Xbox 360 console and for Windows-based PCs on October 6, 2010.