Joy Mech Fight, also known as Joy Mecha Fight, is a comical sci-fi fighting game developed by Nintendo R&D1 and published by Nintendo for the Famicom exclusively in Japan on May 21, 1993.
One of Nintendo's few fighting games developed after the popularity of Street Fighter II, as well as one of the few traditional fighting games released for the platform, Joy Mech Fight pits giant fighting robots in one-on-one martial arts matches. As the Famicom is limited in its capabilities to render large animated characters, the game is unique for displaying each robot as a series of floating limbs.
The plot of the game involves two brilliant scientists, Dr. Little Emon and Dr. Ivan Walnuts, who worked together to develop great robots. When Dr. Walnuts took several military-grade robots and declared his intention to take over the world, it's up to Dr. Emon and his remodeled comedy robot Sukapon to stop him. Along the way, they recruit seven other robots to help, each with their own special abilities.
It later received a digital release as a Virtual Console title in Japan, first for the Wii (on March 11, 2008), then for the Nintendo 3DS (on September 11, 2013), and last for the Wii U (on May 28, 2014). It was later included in the platform's Nintendo Switch Online service in Japan on January 16, 2019, with worldwide release on September 6, 2023 (with the Japanese text intact).
The game includes 32 standard characters, eight of which are simple enhanced versions of other characters, and 4 boss characters, for a total of 36 playable characters.
From of the start, players only have eight characters unlocked in VS. mode, and can unlock the remaining characters by completing the main game (the 24 standard opponents on Hard Mode, and the 4 bosses on Special Mode). Additionally, players can play as the locked characters randomly through a cheat code.
Players start the main campaign with only one robot to choose from:
- Sukapon - A comedy robot modified for combat. It can throw its head around, even as a projectile, and has a rolling attack.
Stage 1
Unlike other stages, each of the seven Stage 1 opponents is reprogrammed to join the player's troupe once they are defeated.
- Honō - A robot who specializes in flame-based attacks, including a rain of fire, a wave projectile, and a rolling attack.
- Tiger - A kickboxing robot who specializes in Muay Thai knee kicks, including a quick dive kick and a flying knee kick. It also has a dashing uppercut that has it fly off-screen, leaving it open for a counter-attack if guarded.
- Neo - A next-generation computer robot with glowing orbs surrounding it, which can be launched as projectiles. It has a quick uppercut technique and can perform a flurry of kicks (by rapidly tapping the Kick button).
- Senju - A robot with two claw arms and two additional drill arms. It can launch itself forward while spinning, both on the ground and in the air, and can perform a flurry of punches (by rapidly tapping the Punch button).
- Sasuke - A ninja robot wielding claw daggers. It has both a sliding attack and a two-slice attack, and can throw opponents while mid-air.
- Ai - A one-eyed robot who resembles a mantis. Along with a dashing kick attack and a slow, rotary divekick, it has a unique counter-attack that, while invincible, drains some of its vitality.
- Giant - A hulking rock-like robot with wrecking balls for hands. Along with a headbutt attack, it can perform a dashing punch and a unique earthquake projectile. It can also perform a more powerful throw.
Stage 2
- Zako - The training mode dummy. It specializes in long-winded attacks that, while strong, must be charged up.
- Bokoboko - An odd robot who flaps its limbs and creates a hurricane by rotating itself on its head.
- Geo - A robot with glowing orbs, similar to Neo. Rather than a quick uppercut, it has an aerial attack.
- Garakku - A quadrupedal robot similar to a crab, with multiple kick-based attacks.
- Old - A large old-fashioned robot with two claw arms and two additional excavator arms, the latter of which are the basis for his techniques.
- Jiboru - A short robot with long flail arms, specializing in long-ranged punches.
- Gel - A translucent robot that can become invisible.
- Scooter - A robot with two additional wheel legs, which it uses for its techniques.
Stage 3
- Legend - A robot with traditional Japanese armor.
- Hover - A small robot who, rather than legs, uses thrusters to hover itself upright.
- Shenlong - A robot resembling a bipedal dragon.
- Star - A robot specializing in leaping attacks.
- Ghoston - A ghost-like recreation of the Stage 2 boss who, instead of six scarabs, uses four large orbs for its limbs.
- Giganto - A hulkish robot with large morning stars for its arms and a variety of shoulder-based attacks.
- Jiōn - A remodeled version of Bokoboko with Geo's energy orb projectiles.
- Super Zako - A remodeled version of Zako, changing its long-winded attacks for quicker techniques.
Stage 4
In Stage 4, the eight opponents are enhanced versions of each of the player's troupe.
- Kaen - Updated version of Honō.
- Leo - Updated version of Tiger.
- Nei - Updated version of Neo.
- Ashura - Updated version of Senju.
- Hanzō - Updated version of Sasuke.
- Wai - Updated version of Ai.
- Gaian - Updated version of Giant.
- Sukapokān - Updated version of Sukapon.
- Dachōn - An ostrich robot and the Stage 1 boss.
- Rā - An Egyptian-themed robot and the Stage 2 boss. Rather than standard arms and legs, it uses six scarabs for its limbs.
- Gābōgu - A unipedal robot and the Stage 3 boss. It has wide-reaching wrecking balls for arms.
- Hōō - A powerful masked robot and the game's final boss. It is unique for its projectile, which can be enhanced to track the opponent.