Pony Friends: Mini Breeds Edition

Pony Friends: Mini Breeds Edition

Pony-owning simulator which allows much more accessorising than most real ponies with any spirit left would tolerate.

Players select from various breeds of ponies, or create their own pony, which they then care for and "accessorise", as the kids say, with various accoutrements.  Care includes brushing and combing,  cleaning its hooves, and  ministering medicine if it gets sick, although probably not actually administering the medicine, as that can sometimes be a bit rough on the person giving it.  There are various activities the ponies can perform, one of which is racing.

You can then take your pony out on the scenic trails, although it's unknown if you can get it going faster than a canter.  During the ride you can spot and acquire new accessories, as well as spot animals seen during the tour with the stylus.