

Apex lets the player make their own car company. The player gets to customize their company, choose between concept drawings and race them against licensed vehicles.

Dream Mode

After purchasing a run-down garage the player stumbles upon blueprints for three concept roadsters. After a bit of goading by their mechanic friend they decide to build one and create a car company. The only way that they'll become known, though, is by showing they can stand with the big boys, so the first destination is the amateur race circuit.

Winning races and championships increases the company's renown, which translated directly into sales. As sales increase the company can afford to build new cars, develop blueprints for more advanced cars, and create upgrade kits for existing models. The player can't actually design a car, however, they just pick from pre-designed concepts.

Arcade Mode

Arcade mode has three options: Quick Race, Time Attack, and One-on-One (the last one is a multiplayer race). Tracks for Quick Race and Time Attack are unlocked when they are completed in Dream mode. Cars from real world manufacturers are unlocked by playing Dream mode as well, and this is the only place they can be used.

The game has full custom soundtrack support.